News & Events
Mental Health Training Event
Come along to this great seminar to gain and understanding of how depression and anxiety impact our health and learn how you can help others manage through healthier thinking and life style. RSVP’s Are required by emailing A few people from Wellspring attending Part 1 and found it extremely helpful, so if this if…
A Foster Care Story
Every now and then we like to profile how God is at work among people who call Wellspring home. One such story comes from 10am members Al and Mary Dickins who began a journey this year to see how they could encourage more Christians to get involved in supporting vulnerable children here in Tasmania. Mary…
CMS Summerview Conference
SummerView is a conference and retreat for Christians who want to be inspired and challenged through good teaching, stimulating speakers and fellowship with others to know more of God and his work in the world. It is the perfect opportunity to learn more about global mission and be encouraged to become more actively involved in God’s work. Overseas…
National Church Life Survey
Wellspring is pleased to be part of the many thousands of churches around Australia that will be participating in the National Church Life Survey (NCLS) in October this year. The survey provides valuable feedback that enables our leaders at local, regional and national levels evaluate and plan for the future. It also tells us how…
Tasmanian Women’s Bible Conference Dinner
This dinner gathers women from all over the south of Tasmania to be encouraged and challenged from God’s Word. This year we have the opportunity to hear a talk by Elyse Fitzpatrick on ‘Home: How Heaven and the New Earth Satisfy our Deepest Longings’. There will also be a time for discussion, prayer and networking.…
Faithhacks #1 – YouVersion Bible App
Last Sunday we began a new segment of our service at Resonate where we give tips or ‘hacks’ that help us to live as disciples of Jesus. Lara shared about how she’d found a new app on her phone called YouVersion. How good it is to hear how God can use technology to make us…
Diocesan Training Day
The last words Jesus spoke to his disciples in Matthew 28:19 were ‘Go and make disciples’. As a follower of Jesus this is our primary calling. But have you ever thought, well how do I do that? Or how could I do it more intentionally? Or how could I get even better at it? Then…
FOCUS International Night Market
Come and enjoy delicious food and show your support for the Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students (FOCUS) at their upcoming International Night Market held here at Wellspring. Entry is free but bring some money to vote for your favourite cuisine. Your support will help enable FOCUS to continue sharing the good news about Jesus…
Short Term Mission Trip with CMS
Are you interested in short-term mission? Would you like a chance to explore a new part of the world? If you’ve ever considered overseas ministry, here’s a chance to try it. CMS are seeking expressions of interest for a short-term mission team to travel to Barcelona for two weeks at the end of the year. This Go Explore Barcelona team…
Christians in the Workplace Supper
Come along to an evening for Christian workers, to think about how we can work together to reach workmates with the gospel and do our work with Christian integrity. There will be light snacks and drinks provided. The Night will be hosted by City Bible Forum leaders Peter Kaldor (Sydney) and Craig Broman (Adelaide). If you’d…
Member Updates
To access our member database, or input your availability to serve